
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


happy valentine's day (a little belated)!!

daddy and mommy got to go out on a date...yes...a real date! nanasan, cookie and colleen looked after the babies while we went to dinner and a movie (the fighter). we have been together now for eleven years and this july will be married seven! xoxo

isa + becky = L-O-V-E

yesterday momma and marcus decorated cookies for daddy...

and kimber and sophia joined in on the fun while damian napped...

momma and kimber could not help but giggle when we saw holla, text me, tweet me and lol on our sweethearts candies...

we consumed waaaayyyy too much sugar...ok so we didn't have v-day cookie cutters but we improvised :)

at the end of the day marcus was bouncing off the walls :/ glad to report he was in bed for the night by seven...lucky us!

cheers to a fabulous L-O-V-E day


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