
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

six months!

it was rolling oaks vs. damian and sophia today for their six month check!

sophia and damian six months

 and the winners were damian and sophia!!

here are the stats:

damian - 15lbs, 24 3/4 inches and head circumference 17 1/4
sophia - 13 lbs 9 1/2 oz, 23 1/2 inches and head circumference 16 5/8

did i mention how much we love dr. saul??
dr. saul

never without his coffee or 'computer'
yes, this torn and tattered notebook is his 'computer'

it is so amazing to watch how quickly they are growing into their own little people...

sophia leads with her hands

damian leads with his mouth

they are both still pretty much exclusively breastfed. we have tried oatmeal, some fruits (pears, apples, bananas) and some veggies (sweet potatoes, pumpkin and beets) but they both are really not that into it. so boob it is!!

loving sweet moments like these...

and chunky baby legs like these...

these two really do love each other xoxo!!


Joselyn Huffman said...

Awe! I love these pictures of D&S at their checkup! So, so sweet. :)

Margie McLaughlin said...

Thank you so much for sharing all the details, Becky. I love your sweet family and love keeping up with you all! God bless you all and here's to a great next six months!!

babarragan said...

amazing photos - so sweet! happy 6 months D&S. They are the cutest together! And we love doc saul too...just missed you by a couple days for Lily's 2 year appt. He's the best. I love that you got a photo of his notebook :)