
Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter!!

easter morning brunch with family

nanasans home made baked french toast with peaches and blueberries with a side of bacon and sausage. daddy squeezed fresh orange juice. it was delicious!

damian didn't understand why he couldn't have any bacon

daddy teasing sophia with bacon

we opened easter baskets after breakfast...

bunnys hand crochet by gammy joanie

easter chick hand crochet by gammy joanie

and then the hunting was on...

this was marcus' second easter but the first time he was actually able to hunt for eggs. it was really sweet to see his face light up each time he found an egg. it reminded me of my childhood egg hunts, first inside hunting in our footed pajammies followed by an outdoor hunt once it warmed up outside. my parents would yell out your cold... or getting warmer... or your hot!! your on fire!! to help point us in the direction of the eggs. next year will be even more fun as we watch damian and sophia hunting for their first eggs - can't wait! hope everyone is having a wonderful easter...

the farfans

1 comment:

Beverly Barragan said...

love love love!!! happy easter!