
Monday, March 21, 2011

four months!

if i could sum up the last four months in one word it would be: "survival". mommy, daddy and marcus have all had to adjust to life with "the twins" damian and sophia. there have been many sleepless nights, a two week unexpected nicu stay, teething, and going back to work full time.

damian and sophia are now four months old and cooing, drooling and batting at their toys. damian cut his first tooth on st. patty's day and sophia has two visible buds just waiting to pop thru!
marcus has added a few new words to his vocabulary including: up, three, ruff ruff and miaow. he and i also just started going to mygym classes on saturday for some much needed mommy and me time (he has been so patient with this whole transition). one of his favorite things to do is smell flowers (see pic below).

here are our latest stats: marcus is 25lbs, damian is 12lbs 12oz and sophia is 11lbs 4oz.

this past weekend we had some fun family pictures taken by my friend kaitlin kelley (check out her blog here!)this is a beautiful field of tall green grass just down the street from our house! thank you kaitlin xoxo

in spite of all of the chaos i am proud to say that i am still nursing my babies full time (no supplementing and only an occasional bottle of expressed breastmilk to give me a break). we have not started any solids as of yet and i intend to go as long as possible before i introduce cereal and foods, not just because i believe that is what is best for the babies but because honestly i can't imagine having to prepare meals for all three of my hungry babies at the same time! we are extremely blessed to have amazing support from my mom, kimber, gammy joanie, aunt ginny, colleen and countless friends and neighbors - i am telling you it takes a village (as any twin momma will tell you)!
well off to bed and nurse my babies!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love all your blogged pics and anecdotes . . . am so happy you are doing this. It's great for everyone who gets to see this and 'tap' in. Hope you are sharing this with Uncle Chuck, Colleen, and Cousin Karl---they are so far away and this would help keep them in touch. Wow. I couldn't be a prouder Nanasan to your babies and to Rachy and Paul's babies. Amazing. Am I puffed up, or WHAT?